The World And What's In It
  • Pits, Ramps, and Ice (walking onto Ice will cause you to slide, but if you jump on it, it will break)
  • Boots and Cannons are trying to hurt you
  • Zeppelins can be ridden
  • Platforms that appear and disappear
  • Narrow walkways
  • Whackers can whack you horizontally or vertically (this can be good or bad)
  • Crates you can move around
  • Bells you can ring to move blocks up or down, freeze time, or reveal hidden things
  • Invisible blocks you can see only when you touch them
  • Transparent blocks you can slide under or walk on, but mostly block your way
  • People who ask you questions
  • Stars to gather
  • Barrels to jump up on, or rolling barrels to jump over (you can jump on them to bounce up).
  • Transparent floors: some have true statements and some have false statements. Only walk on the true tiles.
  • Hearts to give you health and do a game save
  • Presentation paintings with information about the subject
  • Power up paintings to give you flight, stealth, or armor (they need stars to work)
  • Keys, both true and false (choose the true)
  • Locked doors that need keys
  • Locked doors that ask a question
  • Crown of Life, for what you are working towards
  • Outdoor scenes
  • Dark lights that cause black fog to roll in.
  • Plus sign bonuses (the large ones are worth more).